Does Cornbread Make Your Booty Bigger?
the endless quests for a perfect body, many women want to change the
shape of their booty as well. Just doing a Google search for “how do I
make my butt bigger?” will turn up all kinds of results—many of which
are scams to sell fake pills or “buttock enhancers.” It can be hard to
tell the urban legends from the facts. One of the most commonly
discussed foods with big booty potential is cornbread, which inevitably
begs the question: does cornbread make your booty bigger, or is it another misconception?
The answer, interestingly enough, is both yes and no. Cornbread and many of the foods eaten with it (chili, butter, etc) are very high in carbohydrates and fat, which will definitely add to your curves. Just eating cornbread alone will indeed give you a juicier booty, but depending on your body type and shape it may add unwanted padding elsewhere as well.
If you want to use cornbread to make your booty bigger, you should add in a variety of exercises as well. Which particular exercises depend on: 1) where you naturally gain weight the fastest (arms, thighs, breasts, etc.); and 2) how you want your whole body to look. If eating cornbread makes you gain weight in your arms more than your butt, for instance, you'll need to eat more cornbread to get the booty you want and work out with your arms to get rid of any extra flabbiness that shows up there.
Regardless of your desired look and cornbread consumption, there are a couple of exercises that are guaranteed to boost your booty. Squats and leg lifts will add more muscle, which only makes your butt a little bit bigger but will tighten and lift it to make it look fantastic. Add in lunges and stair climbing if you want a firmer booty, or just focus on squats if you want to keep some jiggle. Doing even a few repetitions a day will build up in the long run, leaving you with a booty everyone will envy.
Make sure when you're working towards a bigger butt that you don't sacrifice your overall health and body. If keeping a trim stomach is important to you, add crunches and oblique workouts to your daily squat routine. These tips for getting a big booty may also result in larger breasts: if you want to emphasize and lift them, exercise your pectorals with bench presses and the like for extreme curves. While nothing short of weight gain or surgery can actually give you bigger breasts, having strong pecs will push them farther out on your chest and make them look bigger.
If you find other areas getting out of shape from your cornbread consumption, you can always do some targeted workouts for those specific muscle groups. Talk to the staff at any gym for help knowing which machine to use for each exercise: most of the exercises you want can be done at home, with or without hand weights, but things like bench presses or pull-ups require more specialized equipment. You may not see results right away, but don't worry! Keep this up for a few weeks and you will definitely improve. Also, remember that you're not the best judge of your own progress. You see yourself in the mirror every day, so tiny incremental changes will go unnoticed. Take pictures at the start and once every week or two: looking at them side-by-side, you'll be able to see just how much bigger your booty has gotten.